Undergraduate robotics students often find it difficult to design and validate control algorithms for teams of mobile robots. This is\nmainly due to two reasons. First, very rarely, educational laboratories are equipped with large teams of robots, which are usually\nexpensive, bulky, and difficult to manage and maintain. Second, robotics simulators often require students to spend much time to\nlearn their use and functionalities. For this purpose, a simulator of multi agent mobile robots named MARS has been developed\nwithin the Matlab environment, with the aim of helping students to simulate a wide variety of control algorithms in an easy way\nand without spending time for understanding a new language. Through this facility, the user is able to simulate multi robot teams\nperforming different tasks, from cooperative to competitive ones, by using both centralized and distributed controllers. Virtual\nsensors are provided to simulate real devices. A graphical user interface allows students to monitor the robots behaviour through\nan online animation.